Are you considering making a career change?
Earlier this week, personal and executive coach Keren Eldad teamed up with Industrious to give a free webinar on the topic, Pivot With Enthusiasm: How to Get Out of Doubt and into the Career of Your Choice. But if you weren’t able to make it, you’re still in luck — we’ve asked Eldad to share a few tips on how to not only move into a career you love but also love the journey.
Find your passions.
Before you leap into your next career, take a step back and figure out what it is you actually want to do. “You should get clear on who you are and what you are actually passionate about,” Eldad says. If you’re enthusiastic about your next step, you’ll be that much more invested in making it succeed. You’ll be eager to throw energy into it — instead of feeling drained each time you’re faced with a late night or unexpected challenge.
Be easy on yourself.
The thing is, finding the right path isn’t simple — and once you’ve found it, there are still plenty of challenges ahead. If you’re struggling, Eldad has some advice: “You are doing way better than you think. Being easy on yourself, gentle with yourself, and attentive to yourself … will get you further than beating yourself up.” Being hard on yourself will only create stress and sap your enthusiasm. Instead, focus on the positive; you’ll find you have that much more energy to get things done.
Take charge.
When the future’s uncertain, it’s tempting to hold off on making a change until things look brighter. But remember: You aren’t helpless. And there’s no reason why you can’t find a way for your next endeavor to succeed, even when things are uncertain.
“Many extraordinary companies were started during an economic recession or depression,” Eldad says. “It’s simply a question of focus. Will you focus on finding a solution, a way forward? Or will you lay down and surrender before even trying?”
Get help.
Eldad herself once changed careers with the support of a coach. She believes that the right coach can help you get clarity on what you really want out of your career and your life. “This is an investment that pays with the dividends,” Eldad says. “Most of us, we think of titles and promotions and money to inform our career decisions. Want different results? Try something different. Try coaching.”