- Today, we announced that Industrious is being acquired by CBRE, the world’s largest Real Estate Services and Investment firm!
- For current and future Industrious members, nothing will change for you, other than we’ll have more resources to invest in our product and growth.
- I’m obviously a true believer in our product, and I suspect if you’re ever considering making Industrious your workplace, that you’d really love it once you get in there. We spend every day, day in and day out, trying to crack the code of how to make being at work a wonderful, enriching, sometimes even delightful experience.
- If you’d like more context, below is the email I sent to our team, and here is an FAQ.
When Justin and I founded Industrious, he had just come off the fresh humiliation of going to a movie theater alone to see He’s Just Not That Into You, only to have his ex-girlfriend walk in.
I wanted to make fun of him, but there were two birds living inside the wall of my 4th floor walkup and I had just been cut from an adult softball league.
With our personal lives in disarray, Justin and I decided to put our all into a professional endeavor that we hoped would change our luck and maybe even make a difference in the world at large. We met in coffee shops, cancelled dates to hash out ideas, and spent all-nighters brainstorming on white boards.
After months, we finally did it: a draft script for He’s Just Not That Into You 2.
Unfortunately, it didn’t pan out, so we launched Industrious.
Our lives have matured in the intervening years: marriage, babies, some very tough times, but also more joy than we ever could have imagined. Throughout, there’s been one constant: Industrious.
When we started this company, it was a lark. It was a fun idea at the right time. Now, in a world pulling us towards isolation and the narrow ten-inch frame of our phone screen, it’s something closer to a calling: a place where people can get out of their home and impact the world around them, be exposed to new people and ideas, and be treated with kindness.
That calling is why Industrious is joining CBRE, the largest real estate firm in the world. We’ll have the resources to offer our members more, and the reach to offer more people the chance to experience Industrious.
It’s not much more complicated than that. CBRE has been our largest shareholder for years, so we know them well. We trust them. We share a commitment to playing the long game, and they are as obsessed with this product and brand as we are. I think people are going to be blown away by what these two companies are capable of.
I’ll be taking on an additional executive role at CBRE, so while I’ll remain CEO of Industrious and spend a significant amount of time focused on Industrious, Anna’s President role will become even more central to running the day-to-day of the business. As you know, she’s the heart of the company, and the most impressive businessperson I know.
We’ve only gotten to where we are because our members have told us over and over what they needed and wanted, we’ve listened, and we’ve moved mountains to try to make that happen. Let’s keep listening, and let’s keep pushing, now with a little more weight behind our shoulders.